Tuesday, December 30, 2008

At Last There Is An Answer To Judicial Judgment Recovery

Does this sound like you? I am going to sue that so and so!, but you didn't know how to start the process or where to go. How about this one? You won your Small Claim Case, but you can't seem to get the Defendant(s) him or her to pay? You can call them and request that they pay you. Or you can request help from the courts but you found out that they can't help you at collecting your Judgment. So where do you turn? There always the collection agencies, but we all know how they work. Lots of harassing phone calls at different hours of the days or nights with no results, the Defendant(s) will just let the phone ring or ignore it all together, why I say this because we all done it. So what now?

Well I know of a service called the Judicial Judgment Recovery. Believe it or not this service is not being used by you the consumer, and I am very sure most of you didn't know that it exist. Yeah I know most of you know what a Judgment is, and you probably heard terms like Judgment Collection, Judgment Recovery, Professional Judgment Recovery and the list goes on and on.

So now you asking yourself how does this work? I feel like somewhat of an expert on this subject now. The reason I am writing about this Service is that I think most people will find it useful and will benefit from it. Again you asked how?, well suppose you want to sue someone, On your lunch break you head over to your local small claim court and discover to your horror that they have long lines, now most of us only have 45 minutes and some up to an hour for lunch. As you wait on line you are counting the minutes and wishing that the line move just a little bit faster, once you get to the window you have to fill out a form briefly explaining why you are suing and all the information must be correct on the form before any payment is collected and a court date is given. If you don't have the correct information or you don't know anything about the Defendant(s) then you have to go and secure it, which means you will have to come back the next day and wait on line again. Suppose there a company that will do all that work for you? You can call them or e-mail the information and they will do any research that need to be done and completed the form for you. They will even go as far as to filing the fee for you. Now would that be something you would be interested in?

Now some of you are saying that nice but I did all that already, and I can't seem to get anyone to help me collect this Judgment. Well that is the problem that all Judgment Creditor (You) face. Do you know that 80% of the Judgment Creditors are left confused, and that the system is difficult or just plain inconvenient to them. And even if you knew the collection process, you still have a great difficulties in finding hidden assets of the Defendant(s). How would you like to hire a company that has 10 years of collection experiences and been doing this work for a while? This is what they do:

1. They will negotiate a agreement with you.
2. They will send you the necessary paperwork for your signature, this paperwork will
assign the Judgment to them, which by law will give them the right to collect.
3. Once they are the assignee, they will use their skills and knowledge to collect
the Judgment.

Now the company I am talking about is called 24th Millennium Corp./Multi-Tasking Intelligence Intervention, and yes I run this company. If you want to rid yourself of a useless I.O.U, I highly recommend you take us up on our service. If it doesn't work for you, you have the guarantee not to paid any up front fees what so ever. Surely it's worth a shot when you consider the crappy alternatives, and did you know that your paper Judgment has a time limit in years? It depend on what state you live in.

Just some examples:

1. California 10 Years
2. Connecticut 20 Years
3. District of 12 Years
4. Georgia 7 Years

If you want us to file a small claims package for you, you can e-mail us and request a information package at mil24thnx@netscape.net. If you have an Judgment that you would like to collect, you can go to our website at:http://www.enforcemyjudgment.com/showsite.php?site=1733 you will see an map of the United States, click New York State, you will see a listing of all the Judicial Judgment Recovery companies in New York State, look for 24th Millennium Corp., Once you select you will be taken to webpage. This webpage explains in detail how the recovery service work, there is an FAQ area as well.

Well I hope this little introduction into the Judicial Judgment Recovery world, will get the ball rolling in collecting your Judgment.

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